
Recommended Preferred Suppliers.Click the relevant product link to find the product and supplier contact information you need. If there is no product or supplier you need in the supplier directory I made, please contact us by email We will try our best to find the products and suppliers you need in the next 48 hours.

These countries are the countries of origin of these products, not the importing countries.If your factory is a manufacturer and you need me to show your factory name to more buyers, please contact us by email.

Vietnam : 1. White Birch Plywood , 2. Film Faced Plywood ,3.Engineered Hardwood Flooring , 4.Melamine Plywood , 5.HPL Plywood , 6.Fancy Plywood . 7. Kithen Cabinets , 8 . MDF . 9.Wooden Furniture 10. Core veneers

Indonesia : 1.MLH Plywood , 2 Falcata Blockboard , 3 Barecore , 4 White Birch PLYWOOD , 5 fancy plywood ,

China : 1. Full Birch Plywood , 2. Film faced plywood , 3 Jumbo Large size plywood , 4 Recycled joint core Plywood , 5. Melamine Plywood , 6. Fancy MDF and Plywood , 7 . HPL Plywood , 8. Infrared Sauna , 9 . Engineered Hardwood Flooring , 10.Furniture and Cabinet Hardware , 11 . Hardware tools , 12 Kithen Cabinets , 13 . Formply F17 , 14. F22 ,F8 ,F 11 Plywood 15. MDF ( Melamine MDF,PET MDF ) 16 OSB 18. Particle Board 19 LVL ,20 LVB , 21 Face Veneers , 22 High PRESSURE Laminates 23 Melamine Paper , 24 Phenolic Film 25 .Wardrobes , 26 Logs and Lumber 27. Edge Banding

Malaysia : 1. Kithen Cabinets , 2 . MLH Plywood 3 .Blockboard 4 . Marine Plywood

Cambodia : 1. Engineered hardwood Flooring 2 .Kitchen Cabinets , 3 Plywood


Russia : 1.Russian Birch veneers 2.Birch Plywood , 3 .Birch Logs 4. LVL

Brazil : 1 .Pine Film faced plywood , 2.Pine plywood Structural GRADE 3 .Eucalyptus Logs


Uruguay : 1.Eucalyptus Logs



Thailand : 1. MDF (PET MDF ,PLain MDF ,Melamine MDF ) , 2. core veneer , 3.
